
root cutting Learn more about root cutting

  • How to improve the survival rate of flower cuttings? 7 self-made method of rooting agent for large cuttings

    How to improve the survival rate of flower cuttings? 7 self-made method of rooting agent for large cuttings

    I'd like to share with you seven tips to improve the rooting effect and survival rate of flower cuttings-- self-made cutting rooting agents. Come and have a look.

  • How do cutting flowers take root quickly? how do camellias cut figs?

    How do cutting flowers take root quickly? how do camellias cut figs?

    Cutting, this is a propagation method of many plants, cutting seems to be very simple, but very often, it is very difficult to cut alive, let's see how cutting flowers take root quickly? The cutting methods of different flowers are really a little different: spraying rooting liquid on mother trees.

  • Cutting Propagation methods and Seedling Management of Blueberry

    Cutting Propagation methods and Seedling Management of Blueberry

    There are many propagation methods of blueberry, such as cutting, seedling, ramet, etc. At present, blueberry cultivated in our country is usually based on cutting propagation, and other methods such as seed seedling, rhizome cuttage and ramet are also used. Propagation methods vary from species to species, and alpine blueberries mainly use hardwood cuttings.

  • Techniques of cultivating one-year-old and large seedlings by cutting of Photinia rugosa

    Techniques of cultivating one-year-old and large seedlings by cutting of Photinia rugosa

    Photinia rugosa, also known as Flame Red, Millennium Red, Red Robin, Red Lip, Photinia sour Leaf, sour Leaf Tree, is mainly distributed in the subtropical and temperate regions of Southeast Asia and Eastern and North America. Now it is planted in many places in China. The flowering period is from May to July and the fruit period is mature from September to October.

  • Propagation of blueberries

    Propagation of blueberries

    Cutting is the main propagation method of blueberry. The following points should be paid attention to when cutting: first, the selection of cuttings should be carried out when sprouting in spring, and it is suitable to choose branches that grow healthily and are free of diseases and insect pests for 1-2 years. When cutting, the middle and lower parts of the branches should be selected as far as possible, and the length of the cuttings is about 30 cm.

  • In the next month, it will be too late to cut these 25 kinds of flowers.

    In the next month, it will be too late to cut these 25 kinds of flowers.

    Now the temperature is suitable, it will be a little cold later, and the cuttings will take root more slowly. Generally speaking, the suitable cutting temperature is 20-25 ℃. At present, the temperature is cool in most places, which is a good time for cutting. Here is one.

  • Illustration of new techniques for plant cutting propagation

    Illustration of new techniques for plant cutting propagation

    Plant cuttage is one of the excellent methods of seedling culture. Cutting propagation is to use the regeneration ability of plant roots, stems, leaves and buds to make it take root and sprout to form new plants under appropriate conditions, which has the characteristics of fast propagation, easy collection, small genetic change, convenient management and so on. The weather is getting hotter every day.

  • Key points of Cuttage techniques of Osmanthus fragrans in Summer

    Key points of Cuttage techniques of Osmanthus fragrans in Summer

    The propagation methods of sweet-scented osmanthus include cutting, pressing and sowing, among which cutting is the most widely used. Osmanthus fragrans cuttings are divided into spring and summer cuttings according to season, and hardwood cuttings and soft (tender) wood cuttings according to branch maturity. Sweet-scented osmanthus soft branches cut in summer, the callus is easy to form, the rooting speed is fast, and the survival rate is high.

  • Cutting methods of Common Flowers in Family

    Cutting methods of Common Flowers in Family

    Cymbidium: cut the clustered stems and leaves on the stolon, plant them directly into flowerpots, pour water and plant them in a cool place. Ivy: cut the Lignification branches of the current year, remove the lower leaves, and pour water into the medium. Geranium: select the top cuttings and cut them after the wound recovers. Longevity flowers: choose fleshy stalks and pour enough water in the substrate and put them in a cool place.

  • Why is it difficult for money tree cutting to take root and survive?

    Why is it difficult for money tree cutting to take root and survive?

    How to raise the money tree? Give you a book, "868 tips for growing flowers", and never worry about raising a good money tree any more! How to get this book

  • Cutting time of camellias

    Cutting time of camellias

    According to the characteristics of camellias, the best time to cut camellias is in September or in spring. Because camellias are not resistant to high temperature and cold, the temperature is most suitable for cutting in September or spring, so that the roots are not easy to rot and are beneficial to the survival of cuttings.

  • The fastest rooting method of Camellia cuttings

    The fastest rooting method of Camellia cuttings

    Camellia is a very suitable plant for watching flowers. After all, this kind of plant has large flowers, bright colors and high ornamental value. Many potted friends choose to buy ready-made camellias seedlings in the flower market in spring and autumn, but some potted friends like to breed camellias seedlings themselves. And the breeding of camellia seedlings

  • The cuttings of these 15 kinds of flowers are now too simple to take root in a week and become big in a second.

    The cuttings of these 15 kinds of flowers are now too simple to take root in a week and become big in a second.

    The cutting of "flower and plant cutting"-mint-mint is relatively simple, cut off the slightly older branches of about 10 cm, cut off the bottom leaves, and root in the water for a few days, or directly into the loose soil and put them in a cool place first.

  • How roses take root by cuttings what is the temperature for quick rooting?

    How roses take root by cuttings what is the temperature for quick rooting?

    Roses, which many people like to breed, this rose can also be propagated through cuttings. How can roses take root quickly by cutting? What is the temperature at which roses take root: how roses are cut to take root quickly: no matter whether they are cut in water or soil, you have to cut off the flowers first. Rooting depends on the temperature.

  • Steps of Camellia Cuttage

    Steps of Camellia Cuttage

    Step 1 choose sandy soil with loose soil and good drainage, usually a mixture of perlite and coarse sand or vermiculite. Step 2: select the well-developed branches, usually the twigs are longer and the thick branches are shorter, and then cut them along the cutting point.

  • Factors affecting rooting and Survival rate of hardwood cuttings of Tripterygium wilfordii and cutting techniques

    Factors affecting rooting and Survival rate of hardwood cuttings of Tripterygium wilfordii and cutting techniques

    Factors affecting the rooting and survival rate of hardwood cuttings and cutting techniques 1 morphological characteristics of Fufang vine alias creeping spear, which belongs to the genus Euonymaceae. Evergreen or deciduous rattan, stems and branches often have many small roots, small.

  • How to propagate flowers by cutting?

    How to propagate flowers by cutting?

    The leaves of the plant are used for cutting treatment. If the leaves of African violets are planted in the soil or soaked in water, they can take root in the petiole. A method of cutting with a leaf bud attached to a leaf and a few stem cuttings. The stem can be cut off near the bud and grow longer under the bud, so that the growth is strong and the root is strong.

  • Cutting Propagation methods of Blueberry

    Cutting Propagation methods of Blueberry

    Cutting Propagation methods of Blueberry

  • Causes and methods of root cutting of mango

    Causes and methods of root cutting of mango

    Causes and methods of root cutting of mango

  • Propagation method of Populus tomentosa in Phnom Penh-- cutting steps and key points of Management

    Propagation method of Populus tomentosa in Phnom Penh-- cutting steps and key points of Management

    Populus tomentosa is an evergreen shrub or small tree with slightly quadrangular branchlets, dense branches and leaves and a spherical crown. Leaves opposite, Obovate or elliptic, margin with obtuse teeth, surface dark green, glossy. Cymes axillary, long pedicellate, flowers green-white. Capsule spherical, light red, aril orange-red
